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Friday, 3 January 2014

The Cyprus Interaction Lab - Cyprus University of Technology

Happy new year...

I bring to your attention the establishment of the Cyprus Interaction
Lab ( a research lab in Cyprus
specialising in HCI and Instructional Technology.

I also take this opportunity to express our interest for research
collaborations that match our research interests.

The lab runs a number of national and international projects and has
13 members (academics, researchers and PhD students).

The Cyprus Interaction Lab of the Department of Multimedia and Graphic
Arts of the Cyprus University of Technology studies the interaction of
people with technology in various fields. The lab aims to understand
and enhance users' experience and interaction with technology.

Research in the Cyprus Interaction Lab revolves around two main
research themes: 1) Human Computer Interaction and Inclusive Design
and 2) Instructional Technology and Social Computing.

Research topics include:

* Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
* Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)
* Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
* Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW)
* Inclusive Design/Accessibility
* Social Aspects of Computing
* Computer Games and their social and pedagogical dimensions
* Technology-enhanced learning
* Technology integration in K-20

The lab has a specially equipped usability laboratory designed for
running user evaluations in a comfortable environment which is
configured with state-of-the-art equipment.

The laboratory is well equipped with technologies such as interactive
white boards, high end tablets and mobile devices, multi-touch
interactive tabletops, PCs, iMacs, laser printers, eye trackers,
observational equipment etc. Overall, the Cyprus Interaction Lab is
well equipped for the support of existing and emerging areas of
research in the area of technology-enhanced learning and
national/international collaborations.

More information:
Lab website -

Prof. Panayiotis Zaphiris
Dean of School of Fine and Applied Arts
Cyprus University of Technology
Cyprus Interaction Lab:


Unknown said...

Welcome to this 21st day of October, 12-years into the 21st century. I wish thank all my online readers and radio listeners for their continued support. For today's talk I will discuss many items having to do with our technology for domestic purposes; entertainment, safety, education, and personal communication. It all matters and it is changing the way we live, how we think, and our path forward into the future.Thesis writing

solidaridad entre los pueblos said...

Thhank you for sharing this

Rio Rancho Missed Connections said...

Grreat reading